Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Research Shows That Relaxation May Be The Key To Improving Memory

Everyone knows that being relaxed clears the head, but scientists have shown that there's a certain link behind being relaxed and having good memory. Having good memory can be a fickle thing, but scientist have found that people who are relaxed have brain waves that easily link up with memory related brain functions and neurons. This shows that cognitive aspects of the brain are associated with the emotional and behavioral aspects of it. As stated before, research has already showed that a relaxed mind works more efficiently than a stressed one, but now science has shown where those connections are.

Research showed that the more stressed an individual was the less memory they could maintain during certain learning processes and objectives. This was caused by brain waves being unable to sync up with memory related neurons in the brain with the right timing. Using an EEG, it was found that, once the brain was put into a relaxed state, memory improved. The emotional reaction of relaxing helped the brain function at a greater rate, which brought on improved recall and memories showing a clear connection between emotions and functions of the brain.

While the research showed improved memory resulting from a clear connection between the behavioral areas of the brain and cognitive areas, this research can do the most good helping people with learning disabilities. The studies showed that many learning disabilities could be based off bad timing in the brain brought on by harmful emotional responses like stress. All of these can now be treated with new therapies from the research. At the very least, the study should remind us to take it easy so we can improve our memory.

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